All posts by carsonb026

Tone Story

It was early that morning. The seventh of August. I woke up nervous yet confident that today I would perform the greatest stunt in tight rope history. I was going to walk between the twin towers. Let’s skip ahead a few hours shall we? I handed out the fake IDs to my crew as we snuck up the world trade center pretending to install an electrified fence on the roof. So much of my life I’d dedicated to this moment, not a single mistake could be made. We rigged the 450 pound cable from tower to tower and then, there I was, staring down my greatest opponent. I picked up my fifty five pound balancing stick and began walking.

Step after step I went forward 1,350 feet above the ground. People cheered below me chanting my name. I took a deep breathe forgetting every nervous feeling in my body and began the show. I totaled eight passes along the wire. I danced, I lied down, I even saluted to the crowed. Nothing in the entire world could’ve been better than this moment.

Imagery Piece

The year is 2215. I’m sitting all alone in my bedroom on my floating bed. I call over Jeffery, the robot butler, and his limbs quickly form together from his charger in the wall as he swoops into my room for any need I might have. Jeffery speaks in a soft scratchy tone as he said “What can I do for you?” I ask him to bring my some hot chocolate from the kitchen downstairs. As he goes off my right wall illuminates with an incoming call from a friend. I answer verbally and we talk for a little bit about getting together this weekend to see the revealing of the iPhone Ultron. We hang up as Jeffery returns with the hot chocolate. I ask him the temperature as his chest piece slowly lowers and a tablet appears displaying the forecast. I see that it’s sunny and warm and I run downstairs. I grab my hover board and walk out the door.


As I place the silver shiny hover board down I hop on it push my weight forward. Below the hover board engines are working hard pushing air out the bottom levitating me to a certain height and air out the back propelling me forward. I drive by our neighbors house as their solar powered porche sits in the driveway. I zoom down the street on my hover board as I smell the fresh crisp air from the bright blooming trees on the sides of me. Off in the distance over the local pond I see my friend Henry using his jetpack. As air shoots out the long cannons facing the ground it propels water away from him sending him upwards in a gliding fashion. I quickly reach the end of the street and turn back home. My hover board glides into the driveway and I hop off. I say “power off” as it turns off and self-propels itself onto its charger.