All posts by cameronl901

Blog Post 2

Update on Progress:
We’ve soldered practiced soldering for a while, and today ended up actually soldering three of the pieces to the circuit board and desoldering/resoldering one. We’ve also had a couple of mistakes, including soldering a piece on the wrong spots (which required the aforementioned desoldering), and losing one of the wheels. However, this doesn’t provoke much worry, because the instructions say to split one of the wheels. Therefore, with the two remaining wheels, we can just split both and have the same number of wheels as we’re supposed to. That’s pretty much it…

First Journal Entry

My first project is about making a miniball. This is a ball that uses solar energy to power a robot, which then makes the ball move. So far, my partner and I are just waiting for the parts to arrive. We have already received the plastic ball on Tuesday and had to make a few adjustments. The ball had a nub on the side, so we had to cut this off. Sadly, the ball was inadvertently scratched during the removal. However, we are still able to use the ball for our project.