All posts by ashleighs687

Domestic Life

 Domestic Life

Ashleigh Smith- September 16 & 17, 2015

Why did they only marry people of their own social class?

  • Egyptians had a strong sense of family, married only people of their own social class
  • No formal or legal ceremonies for marriage
  • Divorce was possible; remarriage was possible

Why couldn’t women have their own social position? Why did they have to depend on their husband or father’s social status?

  • A woman’s social position depended on their father or husband’s social position
  • Women in upper class had very different lives from those in lower class
  • An upper class woman’s responsibilities were: raising children, overseeing servants, running the household; no manual work
  • Lower class woman’s responsibilities: raising children, running the household, cooking, cleaning, manual work (working in the fields), making clothes.

How were the woman’s rights different from others?

  • Women of all classes had certain individual rights
  • They could own or rent property and were entitled to an equal share in any inheritance left by a deceased father or husband
  • Women were equal to men in laws
  • They could go to court against someone and had the responsibility of answering to their own actions in court

Why did they marry at such a young age? What did they do to entertain themselves?

Character Favorites in Seedfolks

Wendell is by far the best character in Seedfolks by PaulFleischman. I think that Wendell is my favorite character because he is very courageous and kind. He lost his little boy to a gun shot and his wife to a deadly car wreck and yet he still keeps moving on. Wendell doesn’t stress on the past and he keeps moving forward, step by step, day by day with a confidence that could only have come from somebody with an extremely strong soul. He understands when it is time to let go and let things be, go with the flow. Sometimes giving up doesn’t mean you are weak, sometimes it means you are strong enough to let go and Wendell understands this because he has had to go through things like that too many times before. Also he is very kind because he takes care of Ana when she cannot help herself. It says in the book that he watches out for her a little and does things for her that she cannot do, like dig a garden. I admire Wendell very much for these reasons, he is a very pleasant character.