All posts by annal977

tone piece


Dear Diary,

I’ve been working in this small little office building for way to long, I’ve been working here for close to 10 years now.  365 days a year I come here to the smallest little corner to what I call “work”.  I only have a desk, chair, and a small file cabinet, that’s all my bosses have provide me with.  I’ve also been on the same level in this office for 10 years also.  Ten years!  No moving up, no change for 3,650 days.  They treat me as if I’m nothing there.  They don’t give me time off, weekends and all I have to work.  They don’t provide food or even a nice office space.  They make me sit in the same dull chair and do paperwork day in and day out.  But the worst part is they expect me to be loyal to them, and love what I do.  Just when I don’t think I can stand it another day, they offer up a new job,  that I could easily move up to.  I was all excited and finally ready  for stay at work and you know what happens.  I’ll tell you what happened.


An intern got the job, they said it was something like I’m not excited and dedicated to the job.  Of course I’m not excited to go to work,  I’m an accountant.  Just to top it all off, she get a brand new office and higher pay.  She also doesn’t have to even work weekends and she get a month worth of time off. She’s only worked here for a few months.  I can’t stand it anymore diary!  I just need to quit.

Until text time

Billy Stonefisher


Sky in the future

It has been a hundred year since the air was actually clean up here in the sky.  After the invention of flying cars, and after building hundreds of new factories the air started getting bad.  What use to be a light beautiful shade of blue has now turned a dark purple or even a shade of black thick muck.  People tried to continue on with their life style with their planes, and fancy flying cars, and even tried doing simple things like continuing to breath without help of a gas mask.  They couldn’t do this though because as the sky got darker the air got thicker.  Being in the sky is like being in thick mud.  The type you can’t move in, the kind you can’t breathe in.  Breathing is labored up here, like you just ran a marathon when you haven’t moved at all.  You can even taste the thick air when you are up there.  The taste of dust and dirt fills your mouth, your lungs, and your eye.  People can’t see in the sky any more.  You could hold your hand just an inch from your face and still see nothing.  It is like being in a dark hole one with no way out.  The smell of trash and dirt fills the air.  Making it absolutely unbearable to your nose, making your brain turn off because of the conditions you are in.


Sometime you will see a person that believes he is strong enough to handle the air.  He’ll come up in a flying car or helicopter and only be in the sky for a few minutes before he chocks on the dusty thick air.  No one can be up here any longer.  This is what people have done to this planet, the pollution is just no much. The sky is totally off limits because of them.

the pies

Mama started working in the pastry shop half an hour from our small house in the country, not far from my little elementary school.  Mama told me to go there with my brother after school, to the shop, so that we could go back to my house after the shop was closed up and the pies were all done.  The walk is only half a mile on this thin little old country road.  We walk fast hoping to get there as soon as possible so that maybe mama would give us a snack if she had some let over but we both knew that was unlikely.

I remember when she got the job at the shop.  She was ecstatic about finally getting a real job and a great job at that.  Ever since papa died last year it has been really hard for her to keep up with our small garden, school, and to have enough money to buy clothes for all nine of my siblings.  Mama then tried to get a really job but no one was hiring her because of some nit-picky detail.  When she went in for the interview Mrs. Rose said that she was perfect for the job and mama just light up like a Christmas tree she was so happy.  She loves to work there and is actually happy to go there every day.  We kids now are in charge of the garden and helping her knit but it’s worth it to see her so joyful every morning.

We walk around the corner and heading to the little bakery.  We can see the colorful cakes in the window and we start to get a little jumping from excitement.  We walk in there and the smell hits us like a brick wall all at once. The smell of sugar and dough come off of everything in the small one room bakery.  The fragrance alone is enough to make us go absolutely crazy from the growling coming in the bottom of our stomachs.  It’s hard not to give in and eat everything in the room but mama told us to stay out of the pies because they are for the customers tomorrow.

Before long the perfume coming off of the cherry pies is all that I can think about.  I could smell the cooked cherries, the sugar, the dough and I couldn’t take my eyes off of the beautiful pies.  We haven’t had anything to eat since lunch at our school and our brains knew it.  My eyes were mesmerized and the smell- oh the smell of them was so fantastic.  I couldn’t handle it anymore I needed to taste them.  Just a small bit, no more, I promised myself.  I turned to look at Peter to see if he was watching me.  He’s eye met mine and I could tell he was going mad from the fragrance of the pies to. I slowing walked up to the pies trying not to make any sound, so that mama would come in here.  In one swift motion I suck my finger in the pie and ate just the smallest bit.

The pie tasted just as good as it smelled if not better.  The sweet fruit melted in my mouth and made it impossible for me to think of anything but the pies again.  I had to have more.  Before anyone could stop me I took my whole hand and put it in the pie and brought it to my mouth.  I turned to look and Peter, who was doing the same thing. I didn’t even stop to think for a second I just kept eating and eating the pies handful after handful.

boys and pies