All posts by andrewm434

My Tiny House – Andrew M.

My First Floor

Floor 1 (1)

My Second Floor

Floor 2 (1)

The 15 square foot entryway into the first floor creates the illusion of a bigger space than the room offers.  Since this is where the homeowner or guest takes off their shoes and jackets, there is a space and hook for them to the right.  To the right of the room is where all the kitchen appliances are.  The reason for their proximity is so that it is convenient to cook.  When cooking a meal, a sink, stove, and refrigerator are integral in the process.  The stacking of the microwave upon the dishwasher helps save valuable space and puts the microwave closer to face-level.  The dining table in the middle of the room serves as a gathering space for guests.  If these guests or homeowner need to use the restroom, they don’t have to go walk upstairs.  Instead, the toilet and sink are on the first floor.  The sink is used both for cooking and washing hands after using the restroom in order to conserve space.  Since this floor is 10 feet tall, there was extra space on the top half of the wall, so I decided to put some cabinets right above the sink and oven for plates, bowls, and cups.  This made the space look much more compact and less empty.  Upstairs, there is a bed pushed into the far corner of the room and across from it is the dresser.  Just like in hotel rooms, the television is on top of the dresser.  This allows the homeowner to sit or lay comfortably while watching television without having to use space for a large couch or chair.  The most notable feature of this room is the abundance of windows, five to be exact.  This excess of natural light, especially around the couch, makes it the perfect place to read a book.  The reason for the mirror being placed by the couch is because there are shelves in the side of the structure making books easily accessible when sitting down.  The night table to the right of the bed is also an easy place for storing a book or two when you want to read in bed.  The table holds many of the homeowner’s necessities including an alarm clock, charging station, night-light, and remote.  Finally, there is a washer and dryer pushed in the corner in close proximity to the dresser, making it easy to do laundry.

Critique: I believe I hit a nice balance between needs and wants with the former taking up most of the space.  The first floor is made up of almost entirely needs consisting of kitchen appliances, a table, and a bathroom.  The second floor has a bed, washer, dryer, and dresser which are all needs.  However, I purposely added a few wants in a couch, TV, and mirror because they are all important to me in a living area.