All posts by abbyh458

Tone Piece #2 (Defiant)

“Good Morning!” My mother sang happily at my door.   “It’s the big day!”

My mom was right it was the big day. The big and miserable day. Today was the day of my big speech in front of the entire school. My worst nightmare since I was practically born!

“Ugh!” I groaned in my bed. “Are you kidding me, can I just lie here and die!”

“Don’t be so dramatic honey, now get up.”

“Ugh,” I groaned again.

I just wanted to forget about the world. Forget that I even had school that day, and forget my life for once. What even is the point of giving a stupid speech anyways? Just to annoy me and make me miserable? Just in the matter of time I fell back asleep.

“Evelyn Anna Hutson, get up!” my mom screamed at me.

“Ugh!” Of course my life will never go away I thought sarcastically.

I finally got up and slumped down the stairs without getting ready or even looking at myself in the mirror. My dad greeted me warmly as I walked out the door to the bus stop.

“Break a leg!” My mom told me cheerfully.

“I wish I had,” I mumbled under my breath.

Tone Piece #1 (Excited)

It was the day of October 31, 2013, Halloween day. My six friends and I were overly excited because it was finally here! The day we had been longing for, for six full months. And since Halloween only came once a year this was a day we hoped to never forget. I skipped down the block to Hinders Academy, the school I had been with since preschool. As elated as I was I still had eight full hours of school before the big night.

“Wait up!” My friend Nancy called as I walked to my first period class. “O.M.G!” she practically screamed in my ear. “I can’t believe Halloween is already here!”

“Just eight more hours!” I said to her smiling. We all had been waiting for this special day for many months and the fact that it was actually happening was surreal.

I then walked into classroom 234, my social studies class. My teacher, Mr. Hudson, started lecturing us about the Revolutionary War but I was too ecstatic so I gazed out the window looking at all the beautiful fall trees with bright colored leaves on them and the pumpkins as orange as freshly peeled carrots.

School let out before I knew it and my friends and I ran down the street and into my house to get ready for Halloween. We all stumbled up the stairs and ran down the hall into my fall decorated room.

“Oh my god!” I just cannot wait Nancy squealed. “Let’s stay up all night and roam the neighborhood until 1 o’clock!”

“And when it gets dark we can prank our lame neighbors that never celebrate Halloween!” I said excitedly

“Guys are you sure we won’t get in trouble?” Kelly said nervously. “I mean isn’t that going too far?”

“Relax,” I assured her. This only happens once a year!

The Dream Bedroom

After a long hard day of school one is dying to get into their relaxing bedroom. Its calm appeal calms me and reduces their stress automatically with its relaxing essence. Inside of this fantastic place is a machine that will transport you to anyplace you can think of. In this case you wanted to choose a Japanese garden. After 3 tests in one day you know that it is time for some meditation. You click play and are instantly sitting next to a nice Japanese garden with cherry trees all around me. As you walk around the garden you notice some koi fish in the tiny pond. They need to be fed you think so you go to your machine and tell it to give the fish food. Instantly without hesitation it feeds them. Ah! That’s much better you say as you are instantly relaxed by your massage machine. Before long you are fast asleep listening to the birds whistle their beautiful song and letting nature warm you with its presence.


When you finally wake up you are back in your bedroom. You should do your homework you think.


“Homework machine!” “Do my homework!” you yell.


“Yes, ma’am!” it answers obediently.


You then walked over to your cloud couch in the far right corner of your room and sink yourself into it. You then realize that you need to do your chores so you turn on the machine that does all of your chores. This gadget moves around your room as swiftly and as perfectly as a humming bird. It snatches your clothes, makeup, and anything else on the floor and puts them away instantly. Then in the snap of my finger everything is as clean and perfect as a new slab of crystal ice. You then slowly walk to your bed and use the sleep machine to put yourself into a deep sleep for the amount of time you choose. Your room is as silent and calm as a placid lake and as you fall asleep you know that this is your utopia.


It was October the 2nd 2013, and the city of Westville was busy working on constructing their city. They were working on millions of buildings every day. Their moto was that the world needed more cities and less oceans. They would constantly throw their waste into the oceans causing pollutions. This did not bother the citizens at all, all they wanted was their city to be the best it could be. They were greedy and selfish and only cared about money.


Every year many flocks of geese would migrate westwards to Westville for the winter. Every year that they came to Westville they would swim in the oceans and they always enjoyed it. This was a tradition they always maintained. Many generations had been coming to these oceans for years and years. The descendants of many mothers and fathers kept coming back and enjoying the nice weather. But one day when the geese were flourishing in perfect formation westward they came to the oceans and discovered the murky brown, waste cluttered oceans they had loved. The geese were stunned, who could do this to our oceans they thought.


Later that day they geese decided that they needed to do something about this. Animals were looked at as unequal and they believed that that was not okay. This was the most important thing they had ever done as it determined their future and the future of their children.


The very next day, the geese of eastside came together to formulate a plan. They knew they had to make this protest powerful. They didn’t feel very powerful though because they were only animals. The meeting then ended and each member was told to think about what they could do and to discuss it at the next meeting.


The geese thought for many nights and days and then 5 days later they collected themselves and met to discuss their plans. Many members said that they thought they should leave it alone, but the chief was sure that they needed to do something. After all of the geese told their peers their thoughts, the chief told the geese they were hopeless. Many of the geese cried because they felt defeated but one morning the chief geese had an idea. He told the geese they should all fly down to the town and wait there on the ground until the people of the town would see what they wanted. They geese all agreed that they would give it a try.


So the next day they all flew down to the city and gathered around the ocean spreading out almost a mile. The geese stood their but their efforts were worthless so they decided to give up and headed back home.