Cary Academy Fund Update

We are gaining ground on our $300,000 goal for this year.  Currently we have received $242,133 — that’s almost 81% of our goal.  At the end of the calendar year we were 47% ahead of where we were last year and that is because of so many families raising their giving amounts…THANK YOU!

However, our total current parent participation is at 51% – nearly 50% of these remaining families have yet to make their gift or pledge.  This participation rate is particularly important when we go and apply for outside grants.   It’s hard to ask outside organizations and foundations to believe in our school and support it when 49% of our own families haven’t done so yet.  We need your participation, at whatever level your family is comfortable with.  Just think how much more we can raise with your help!

We are exceptionally fortunate to have generous Founders who have played a major role in establishing a strong Endowment for the school, so our tuition can stay manageable.  But we need our families to participate with an annual gift to the CA Fund – to show their support of the school, their children and their classmates both to our inside and outside communities.

The Cary Academy Fund is part of our operating budget and helps to keep the school moving forward.  Lots on the horizons — new and improved tablets for our students, more and safer charger buses, new programs like US Robotics, an additional Learning Specialist, just to mention a few.  Your annual fund dollars are very important and valued. 

Please use the link below to make your gift or pledge today

Cary Academy: Give to CA Fund

or send your check into the school marked CA Fund.

Currently our 8th grade families continue to lead the way in participation- Go Class of 2018
The Class of 2015 has contributed the most as a class – go Junior families!

12th grade     44%    $12,627

11th grade     53%    $37,567

10th grade     53%    $26,212

9th grade       49%    $26,963

8th grade       57%    $32,347

7th grade       49%    $32,628

6th grade       54%    $30,329