
Hey everyone!

Today we played awesome! As Coach said she has never seen anyone win 23-0. And we didn’t beat any team, we beat Ravenscroft. We did so many things amazingly. We never passed to them, our defense kept their sticks on the ground and didn’t let anything by them, we took the ball down the sides of the field, we had a lot of shots, and we made them foul a lot in the circle, which led to a lot of corners. Everyone on the team had at least one goal, even the goalies. Again something that Coach had never seen before. We already had a game this year when the other team only made it past the half three times, but today they didn’t even make it that far. There was not a single time when they made it over the 50, and they really were only close once. Our defense did a great job of playing up, but still stopping their offense when they would try and get a break away. Our offense did an amazing job of using flicks, pulls, and pull backs to create space and get around defenders.

We had twenty-three goals. That is outstanding. You would think that if we had twenty-three goals we would have at least seventy-five to one hundred shots on goal, but we surprisingly only had about sixty. That is good and bad. It is good because that means that about a third of our shots go in which is pretty amazing, but that also means that we did not take as many shots as we should. Even though we need to shoot some more, I’m not going to talk about that because we won 23-0. All of the offensive drills in practice have paid off. Not only that but practice at home was shown off today. We had four girls with amazing reverse goals. We had two in the top left corner, one in the top right, and one in the top center. Our offense was amazing.

Our defense also did a great job. Instead of the defense being so bored like they were when we played Cary Christian, Coach decided for you to play up. You put a lot of pressure on their defense, so it was almost impossible for them to clear it. I’m guessing you guys had a lot of fun trying out a new position and all of you guys scored. I think one of my favorite parts of the game was when Madeline and Naya both scored. It’s not like we put them in as a different position, they scored wearing goalie gear. They also kicked the ball all of the way up the field, which we are not even sure if that isĀ  legal. Great job defense.

This was the greatest game in Cary Academy history and I can’t wait to make more records with this team. You guys are amazing and I don’t know what I will do without you next year. Always remember, run like Coach T is watching!

Dear Diary,

Today hasn’t been a very good day. I slept through my alarm, so I only had ten minutes to eat and get ready. When I got to school I found out that I had forgotten to do my math homework. I got back three grades that weren’t exactly my favorite. There wasn’t anything good for lunch today, so I had two peanut butter sandwiches, which gave me a peanut butter overload. For field hockey we had a full running practice. We spent an hour and a half conditioning, even though we have a game tomorrow. I then went home and was up until two in the morning doing homework. I only got four hours of sleep.

Tomorrow I have a test, two quizzes, a project due, and I have to give an oral presentation. I also have to run the mile in PE and I have a field hockey game. Not just any game, we play Ravenscroft. We also have so many hurt players that we have zero subs and so when someone gets tired they will just switch positions to the least running position, so I will have a lot of running to do.

I have so many emotions that I don’t really know what I’m feeling because I’m not angry, I’m just so stressed. I can’t believe it.