

Sanjna Jotwani

Egyptian soldiers    predynastic battle

  1. How was the Egyptian army organized?
  • Army made up of mercenaries–soldiers who were paid to fight from other lands.
  • Army was organized into companies and divisions.
  • Company was made of 200 soldiers
  • Captain led each company with staff topped with the company’s emblem.
  • Division was made of 5,000 soldiers
  • Lieutenant or general led each division under the banner of its local god.


  1. What weapons did the Ancient Egyptians use in battle?
  • The infantry, or foot soldiers used javelins (long spears for throwing long distances), daggers, short curved swords.
  • To protect themselves they used shields made of rawhide (stiff untanned leather) and wore head gear made of padded caps.
  • Some soldiers fought in wooden, horse drawn chariots. The chariots served as movable firing platforms
  • Two soldiers rode in each chariot, The archer was armed with bow and arrow, and javelins
  • Driver wore a leather or bronze helmet and leather body armor


  1. What are some other jobs soldiers worked outside of the military?
  • During peacetime soldiers worked on jobs outside of military
  • Examples: build and design, create and craft objects to sell, dig irrigation (to bring water to crops) canals. sometimes as a laborer


[Image]http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/knife_of_gebel_el_arak/index.html.September 16, 2015.Web


[Image]http://www.pbs.org/empires/egypt/special/virtual_library/soldiers_frieze.html,. September 16, 2015. Web