Social Classes


Social Classes

Alex Lim

Social structures Pic                             Social Structures farming

What are the social classes that made up ancient Egyptian society?

  • The pharaoh was on the top of the social ladder.
  • Then the members of the royal family, nobles and government officials.
  • Then came the Priests and Priestesses,
  • Next the scribes
  • Then the skilled workers and artists.
  • The largest and poorest group was the laborers.

What was the pharaoh in charge of?

  • He owned all the land and had complete control over the people.
  • Still needed help from the military advisors, the powerful nobles
  • Sometimes rewarded loyal nobles with gifts of land to keep their support.
  • Priests looked after the pharaoh’s temples and held religious ceremonies.

Why did parents want their children to become scribes?

  • Becoming a scribe was a way that a common person could become wealthy and powerful
    • Takes 10 years of training to become a scribe.
    • Scribes recorded important documents for the pharaoh.

What did the craftspeople make?

  • Made furniture jewelry cloth for the pharaoh and other members of royalty.
    • Jewelry such as headdresses, collar necklaces, bangles, and bead collars.

What did the Laborers do?

  • Laborers spent most of their time raising and selling crops.
  • During flood season, Farming was not possible, laborers worked on government building projects: irrigation systems, pyramids, and temples.
    • Flood season is from June to October

Image Sources

[Image] September 16 2015.Web

[Image] September 16 2015.Web