

By: Hannah Claire Ward

  1. How did Ancient Egyptians learn to be a doctors?

– After general doctor education school doctors went to special classes and schools

– They had a clear understanding of the organs and structure of the body and the pulse to determine if the patient was healthy

– They knew that the heart was an important piece of staying healthy and living – Doctors store medical records in medical libraries in temples

– Doctors are free to consult in ancient Egypt

  1. Which different methods can you treat illness with?

– Combo of magic spells and sayings and medicine

– They used parts of herbs and plants such as garlic

– Had remedies for many things including tumors, eye problems and snake and animal bites.

– They only ever used surgery to relieve pressure on the brain.

– Before any surgery patients would take an alcoholic drink to reduce pain.

– Willow – Anacacia – Sycamore or mint leaves were bandages.

  1. How did Doctors insure safe childbirth?

– During birth and pregnancy doctors relied on ancient magic spells to insure that the mom and the baby were safe and that the child was growing properly

– Gods were called upon to help the mom with prayers, charms and spells to protect disease and danger

– Doctors relied on the gods for their wisdom and prayers

Pictures: [Image] 9/16/15.Web.

[Image]  9/16/15. Web.