Food and Drink

Food and Drink

Kyler Chen

How did they sow and harvest?

  • They sowed in November after the flooding of the Nile
  • One person was behind a cattle pulling a plow
  • Other person was in front, scattering wheat and barley seed
  • Usually the whole family harvested
  • Used wooden sickles to harvest
  • Afterwards, donkeys brought crops to granaries or marketplaces

What did the Egyptians harvest and kill for food?

  • Crops-Wheat, barley, onions, radishes, peas, beans, cucumbers, lettuce
  • Meat- cattle, geese, ducks, cranes, other wildfowl, cows/milk/cheese, pork (which was forbidden to be eaten), fish, grapes
  • Wheat and barley was made into beer and bread, grapes were made into wine

How were the Lower Class foods and the Upper Class foods different?

  • Lower Class people ate simpler meals-
  • Vegetables, fish, bread, water, and beer
  • Upper Class people had more to choose from-
  • Fish, pigeon stew, kidneys, quail, ribs of beef, bread rolls, small round cakes, cherry-like fruit, stewed figs, cheese, and for drink, wine or beer.



[Image] .9/16/15.Web.
