Ultimate Destruction and Doom… or is it?

Mankind has survived for over two millennia. We have endured hardships, and struggles. We have created amazing, new technologies, and we have made violate, dangerous weapons. That was over 400 years ago. It is now the year 2477. The human race has looked to colonize other planets, and we have succeeded in our endeavors, for the most part. When pollution on Earth rose to unimaginable levels in 2213, we were forced to leave. Seeing as that was not possible, with the heavy sulfuric air all around us, we took all of our waste and pollution using wormhole technology, and sent it to Venus. The already hostile planet was able to absorb our pollution and more, and today Earth is as clean as it was in pre-historic times. Still, many wanted to move, fearing this would happen again and we would not be able to stop it. 45% of Earth’s population moved to Mars, and set up colonies on the Red planet. 5% moved to various asteroids in the asteroid belt, wanting to escape ever father away from Earth. Then some took it a step further, and began to colonize Jupiter’s moons. No one had ever been this far out. The farthest a human had ever been from Earth was the asteroid Ceres in the asteroid belt, and that had been a NASA mission, a quick back and forth mission. There was barely any light this far out, and it was too cold for humans to live there, so an astronaut on the Europa mission of 2333 set up an “artificial sun” in Jupiter’s core, making it generate enough light to act like Earth “an have an artificial environment”. 1.5% of Earth’s population moved here, because the sun could never go out, or grow to big, because it was fixed in place! This is where I come into play. My name is Conrad Michelangelo D’avion XVII. My family moved here in 2463 and then had me a year later. I was the first child born this far off-planet. Yippee! That also meant there were no other children except me. Boo. Really! 2 million people on one moon and no kids under 20! The air here is perfect, it is like every spring breeze chose to feather its self onto you at that very moment. It’s never hot, or cold because Jupiter’s temperature is remotely controlled. All you here are the soft hisses of the airtight locks on everyone’s doors opening and closing, and the gentle hum of the air re-breather. If you look outside your window on Europa you see an amazing sight, 60+ moons flying in erratic patterns around a gigantic base. When I was young on Europa, my family taught me how to skate, like the humans of old. It is most essential on a world made of ice and snow. One day, while I was skating, about a mile from my home, (a quick 5 minute glide), I found a weird patch of ice that I had never noticed before. It appeared to have something under it, making it turn and move. Curious as ever, I stepped on the ice, and smash! I fell right through, screaming down an ice cavern, going top speed. At last, I finally reached a stopping point by smashing into a forgiving bank of snow. I had stopped at a beautiful cavern, it must have been at least 50 feet tall! It smelled of snow and a cold winters breeze. There were crystalline walls and amazing stalagmites and stalactites made of crystal that had been soaked by water. Wait. Water! Water doesn’t exist on Europa! Running towards the back of the cavern I saw a gigantic ocean, with waves crashing against the sides of the walls sounding as if the gods themselves were playing the cymbals in the cavern. This was it. Running water on Europa!