Imagery Piece: Future

As I awaken from my deep sleep, I find myself laying in not my bed, but in a field of tall, lush grass. I jump up abruptly as I feel the prickly itch of my grass allergy set in on my leg. As I stand in the field, I take in my greater surroundings slowly. The first thing that hits me is the sweet smell like cotton candy that fills my nose and lungs. It reminds me of the state fair and the joy it brings me. The next thing that I notice is smack dab in front of me. Right in my line of view I see an enormous city with buildings reaching above the clouds. I see cars flying around in the air and people on hover boards bustling about in the lower airways. As I take this all in, I notice a grand billboard stating “Welcome to Utopia” to my right. Right in front of me I see a path of water leading into the heart of the city and decide to follow it. The buildings around me reach such great heights, that even when I strain my neck as far as I can, I cannot begin to see the top of the building. It is remarkably clean at this ground level, as well as overwhelmingly dark. The path of water I take is illuminated by bioluminescent fish that swim underneath the layer of glass that keeps me separated from the water. I continue upon the path, not knowing where else to go until I reach an elevator. This elevator reaches up into the sky, and not knowing what else to do, I step in and press up.


The elevator continues up and up for what seems like several minutes until it stops suddenly. I step out of the elevator and witness a sight unlike any other. I stare gazing at the god-like figures of the clouds that the height of this city dwarves. The rising sun illuminates the scene casting a haze of warm colors that arch across the sky. I am utterly awe struck but the moment is interrupted by a man approaching me. He repeats to me what the billboard said when I first entered this amazing city. “Welcome to Utopia.” He explains to me that in the year 2500, the human race madeĀ  architectural advances and were able to build this city that reaches into the upper troposphere. More than half of the world’s population could inhabit this place. The room I am in is unlike any other. With chairs hovering above the ground, this white-washed terrace room is the epitome of interior design. Nothing I have ever seen matches up to this place. I can see people bustling underneath me through a glass floor doing their jobs. The amount of people below us is a beyond comprehendible number of people to be in the same place. Nothing seems real, is it all just a dream?


I snap myself awake and find myself laying in my bed at home. The thought of the future Utopia still whizzing through my mind.