Time Capsule: Career Research

Career Research


When I grow up, I would like to be a professional soccer player. I would join a professional soccer league, hopefully in the U.K., where I would be able to make more money than in a minor league or the U.S. soccer league. When I retire from soccer, I would like to be a software developer. The pay for a professional soccer player ranges from $60,000 to $6,000,000 a year. If I play for the U.K., I would be make about $2,500,000 a year. The average pay for a software developer is $99,000 a year. I would be able to go to a college and play soccer for the college that I attend while I earn my degree in software engineering. Playing professional soccer would be a way to make money as soon as I get out of college until I am about 35 and retire from soccer. Then I would be able to continue working as a software developer to earn my living. It would be a great way to be able to retire early from software developing at about 50-55.

I would like to be a soccer player because I love the sport and devote most of my free time practicing or playing soccer games. It would be a great way to continue following my passion to play soccer after I graduate college. It is also a well-paying sport and is played around the world. That would give me more of an opportunity to find a team that I could play for. The job of professional athlete is projected to see an employment growth of about 7% by 2022. This would give me more of a chance at getting a job. To become a soccer player I only need a high school diploma or higher.

The reason I would like to be a software developer is because I love computers and my dad has helped teach me many things about computers. It would be great if I could use those skills to earn money. I also find it really fun to be able to design things for computers like the actual software. I can think of nothing better to do after my soccer career than spending my time as a software developer. I need a career to fall back on if I am unable to play soccer professionally or when I retire. The software developer career is expected to grow 22% by 2022 which would give me a better chance to get a job then compared to now. I would need a bachelor’s degree or higher to be a software developer. I think both of these jobs would be a great way to spend my adult life.


