Project Ideas for LEDs and 3D Prints

My partner and I are ideating about something we could make with a 3D printed designed that uses LEDs:

1. A lightboard thing
2. a push car
3. A ping pong table with LED scoring
4. ring that could go around a frisbee to make it visible in the dark
5. a bicycle blinker or light
6. buoy pond decoration
7. clock face with lights

Top 4 table ideas:

1. Frisbee light
2. Bicycle blinker
3. fake ice cube lights
4. clock face lights

Other table’s top 4 ideas

1. LED Spinning top
2. LED Rubik’s cube
3. LED lightswitch cover
4. fan w/ LEDS

1. Better emergency exit sign
2. Glasses with built in LEDs
3. LED spinning top
4. Ring around trash can (trash lights up), call it trashketball