Tone Piece


I was walking to work, unfortunately. Why do I have to go to work? I hate work. Waking up early to do something I hate with a bunch of morons. I work at one of the World Trade Centers, commonly called the twin towers. I’m done with this year, even though it is only September 11th. Work starts at 9:00 am, and it is currently 8:45. This morning has been horrible, I spilled my coffee on my white shirt, and had to iron a new one. I see a plane, its speed is dashing, and altitude is very low. In New York City planes should never fly that low. What a bad pilot. I look down to my feet and suddenly hear a very loud sound, louder than any sound I’ve ever heard in my whole life. I scream while I look up. The plane was gone, and there was a huge whole in the building where I work in.


Everyone around me was looking the same direction as I was, astonished. I have never seen anything like it. The Building had a hole in it, almost like a holed piece of paper. Some people were screaming, calling 911. 15 minutes after screaming and disorder, there was another plane, same speed, same height, same direction. After looking at that plane for a couple of seconds everyone could know what that plane was going for. Screams became louder and louder the closer the plane got to the second tower. I could almost hear the countdown in my head. 3… 2… 1… Bam! The same loud noise went for round two. A hole in the second tower. Everyone started running, including me, we thought that the third plane was gonna crash on us. While we were running, the first tower collapsed completely. Sending a cloud of dust outwards, the cloud was racing toward me, and people started to push and shove. Someone pushed me into the sidewalk, my head crashed against a street sign. I stood there, on the ground not being able to get up. I was amazed how people completely ignored me. The air got darker and darker, and soon enough I couldn’t see anything, I started to cough and cough. The last thing I heard was another loud noise, the second tower collapsed. I closed my eyes and lost consciousness.