Tone Writing

To: James Doe

From: Jane Doe

Subject: Prank Today


I heard about the prank you played today on poor Timmy. Your father and I are very disappointed and upset at your behavior today. We’ve been noticing that your attitude and actions at home have become very rude, mean and disrespectful. We decided to let it slide because you had been acting like such a great friend to everyone at school. Your father and I are absolutely appalled that you would even think to do such a thing, let alone do it. Humiliating someone to that extent is extremely mean and hurtful.

We have decided that you need to come home immediately after school instead of playing basketball with your friends. You also are not allowed to play on the soccer team for at least three weeks. We know how much you love to fish, so we generously donated your fishing rod to a local charity. Your father and I need to speak with you about your behavior as soon as possible. We also expect you to write a note to Timmy and apologize in person to his family. Your father and I also agree that there needs to be even harsher punishments to ensure that your attitude and behavior problems are completely fixed. We will talk about this later with father. We are very upset and disappointed in you and your actions today at school.



Dear John,


Hey! How’s it going? Well listen, I have a question for you. Do you remember when you spotted me a few bucks last month so that I could afford a place to live? Well, somehow, I might have accidentally spent the money on a new pair of shoes instead of an apartment. So now to get to the question. Can I please, please, please have a few more dollars? I promise it won’t go to waste! Please be a good brother! You know I’d do the same for you if I had the money.

I know it seems like I keep giving you the same reasons for giving me money but I really will use it wisely this time. Last year, you were very upset at me after I had taken your money and bought other things than an apartment. For some reason though, you still give me money. You MUST have some kind of trust in me to keep doing that. Please, please don’t let me down and I promise I’ll do anything you want me to do. I’ll pick up your dog’s poop, I’ll shine your shoes, and I’ll even drive you anywhere! Just please lend me a few bucks. Well by few, I mean like a thousand or two, but I promise I’ll pay you back! I hope you come through on this and help your poor brother out. Just a couple of bucks, please!


Thanks in advance,
