Tone Piece #2 (Defiant)

“Good Morning!” My mother sang happily at my door.   “It’s the big day!”

My mom was right it was the big day. The big and miserable day. Today was the day of my big speech in front of the entire school. My worst nightmare since I was practically born!

“Ugh!” I groaned in my bed. “Are you kidding me, can I just lie here and die!”

“Don’t be so dramatic honey, now get up.”

“Ugh,” I groaned again.

I just wanted to forget about the world. Forget that I even had school that day, and forget my life for once. What even is the point of giving a stupid speech anyways? Just to annoy me and make me miserable? Just in the matter of time I fell back asleep.

“Evelyn Anna Hutson, get up!” my mom screamed at me.

“Ugh!” Of course my life will never go away I thought sarcastically.

I finally got up and slumped down the stairs without getting ready or even looking at myself in the mirror. My dad greeted me warmly as I walked out the door to the bus stop.

“Break a leg!” My mom told me cheerfully.

“I wish I had,” I mumbled under my breath.