Daily Life- Music and Dance

harpist_and_drummer acrobatic_dancers


Daily Life Music and Dance

Aden Lemma

When would they sing and dance?

  • Music was performed on every day occasions
  • They had public festivals where everyone would be entertained
  • They would also sing to worship there god

How would they play?

  • They would play harps (usually played by woman), flutes, sistrum, and timbrel
  • They would use clapping or beats
  • Music and dance was also used by temple priest
  • The priest wives would be singers and dancers because they live in the temple with the priest
  • Cult singers can be men and woman

What would they dance?

  • The dances would be very athletic with many gymnastics in it
  • They would dance ballet
  • But the men with the man and the woman with the woman

When would they dance?

  • There are specific dances that were meant for different things
  • They would dance for funerals
  • They dance in Festivals





  1. (Images) http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/timelines/topics/music.htm    . 9/16/15. Web
  2. Book: Hart, George. Ancient Egypt. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 1990. Print
















acrobatic_dancers harpist_and_drummer