Writing and Education

hieratic script on papyrus

Egyptian heiroglyphs on tombWriting and Education

Allie Chandler

  1. What were the variety of functions that scribes fulfilled in ancient Egyptian society?
  • Egypt’s official record keepers
  • collecting taxes
  • administered laws
  • Supervised government projects
  • Helped keep official records of events
  • Scribes considered upper class

2. How were scribes educated?

  • By priests
  • Learned the reading and writing of hieroglyphs
  • Many learned simpler hieratic script
  • Later, hieratic script evolved into simpler demotic script
  • Used ink palette and brushes made from reeds

3. Why was school life for students not easy?

  • school day very long
  • Schoolmasters very strict
  • Schoolmasters often treated students harshly
  • spent many years doing same thing (copying hieroglyphic signs)
  • 750 different hieroglyphs

4. What did students do once they successfully completed their training?