WC Medicine Paper


By Jacqueline Johnson

How are doctors trained?

  • Trained at special schools after completing general education
  • Learned about symptoms of many illnesses, how to diagnose and treat them
  • Egyptians have practiced medicine for hundreds of years
  • Doctors had a clear understanding of organs and structure of body
  • Knew importance of heart, thought it speaks through back of head and hands
  • They used the body’s pulse rate to determine health


What combinations of magic and medicine did Egyptians use?

  • Illness caused by worms to form inside the body
  • Believed magic, medicine, or a combination drove worms out, cured patient
  • Doctors had treatments for many illnesses
  • Magicians were used to cast magic spells when other treatments did not work
  • Doctors could treat eye problems, tumors, snake bites, and many other things
  • They used plants and herbs such as garlic in their treatments
  • Doctors treated injuries with bandages and stitches,
  • Doctors never performed surgery


What kind of magic did ancient Egyptians rely on during childbirth?

  • In all areas relating to childbirth, Ancient Egyptians relied more on magic and help from gods then medicine
  • Gods helped women conceive and bear children safely
  • Prayers, charms, and spells used to protect mother during pregnancy and childbirth, and protect babies against childhood diseases/ dangers
  • Mothers carry babies around in pouch slung from shoulders
  • Mothers had babies at special birth building or house

Image Resources

(Image) http://www.aldokkan.com/science/herbs-chinese.jpg    Sep 16, 2015 Web

(Image) http://www.pbs.org/empires/egypt/newkingdom/resources.html   Sep 16, 2015 Web