

                           Mark Cunningham

1st Main idea: When did they Egyptians start using medicine?

  • Around the old kingdom because one of the first doctors was the doctor for a pharaoh during the old kingdom time period.
  • Practiced medicine for hundreds of years.
  • Doctors attended special school.
  • They had to complete general education.

2nd Main idea: Why did they Egyptians think that magic would cure diseases and illnesses?

  • They thought that magic spells would drive the “worms” out of their patient’s bodies.
  • Doctors had prescriptions of different magic/medicine for each illness
  • They often used plants and herbs for the “magic”
  • They would treat the injuries but

3rd Main idea: Why did they think that the gods were helping the most for areas related to child birth?

  • The Egyptians thought that they would help the mother through the childbirth and help the child not get any illnesses.
  • Relied more about the gods then magic in childbirth.
  • They had several gods to look over the mother and her baby during and after childbirth.
  • They prayed, charms, and spells were used to protect the mother and the baby from illnesses.
  • The main god of child birth was Taweret.








Picture #1: [Image] September 16, 2015. Web.

Picture #2: [Image] . September 16, 2015. Web.