Future Imagery Piece


It’s the year 2238. Society as we know it can’t be better. The rusty colored planet of Mars has been colonized, and we are exploring more of the universe.  My name is Jeff Smith, and I live in the US of A! Our nation is still alive and thriving after almost 500 years. We have pioneered the world in many inventions and achievements. I myself invented the world’s first bionic body, and it was a smash hit. People who were cryogenically frozen long ago, back when we fought terrorists in bloody conflicts, can be brought into life and have sleek, metallic bodies that look like real humans. Speaking of conflicts and terrorists, all wars over differences in religion, race, or ethnicity were ended a long time ago. No more sad children, with their puffy eyes and bruised faces. No more rubble of holy sites, with their prized objects destroyed like a tornado ran through them. The United Nations passed a law in 2109 saying that if any wars were started, the people fighting in them would die. Immediately.


Well, I should probably tell you about myself. I live in what is known as Texas, in a plush mansion bought by my bountiful payment for my invention. It’s like living in your own neighborhood, especially since some of my family share part of it with me. It’s got its own pool, even though it smells like some of that nasty chemical we put in there to keep it clean. But the best part by far is our kitchen. We have a robot who does our cooking with or for us, and let me tell you. When you wake up in the morning, all you can smell is the sizzling eggs and bacon on the stove. As you come from work, the stove rumbles with pasta boiling, or elegant meals being perfectly done. We can always do things ourselves that our robot can’t do, like bake perfect chocolate chip cookies so you taste the gooey chocolate right as you bite into them. Our aunt Tina decided we ate too much junk food, so our robot doesn’t cook dessert.