Domestic Life

 Domestic Life

Ashleigh Smith- September 16 & 17, 2015

Why did they only marry people of their own social class?

  • Egyptians had a strong sense of family, married only people of their own social class
  • No formal or legal ceremonies for marriage
  • Divorce was possible; remarriage was possible

Why couldn’t women have their own social position? Why did they have to depend on their husband or father’s social status?

  • A woman’s social position depended on their father or husband’s social position
  • Women in upper class had very different lives from those in lower class
  • An upper class woman’s responsibilities were: raising children, overseeing servants, running the household; no manual work
  • Lower class woman’s responsibilities: raising children, running the household, cooking, cleaning, manual work (working in the fields), making clothes.

How were the woman’s rights different from others?

  • Women of all classes had certain individual rights
  • They could own or rent property and were entitled to an equal share in any inheritance left by a deceased father or husband
  • Women were equal to men in laws
  • They could go to court against someone and had the responsibility of answering to their own actions in court

Why did they marry at such a young age? What did they do to entertain themselves?