Daily Life-Music and Dance

Daily Life-Music and Dance

Jaya Winemiller




  • Some festivals that had music and dancing were the crowning of the Pharaoh, public festivals, private festivals, religious festivals, and royal occasions.
  • The crowning of the Pharaoh had a lot of dancing and music to honor the new Pharaoh.
  • Public and Private festivals were celebrations either with a family or with a large group of people.
  • Religious festivals were celebrations of the people’s religious beliefs.
  • Royal occasions were something having to do with the king, queen, or his family.



  • The types of instruments the Egyptians play are Percussion, Wood, and String instruments.
  • Examples of instruments the Egyptians play are the Harp, Lyre, Lute, Flute, Oboes, Tambourines, Rattles, and Drums.
  • Mostly women play instruments. Instead of reading the music, they memorized it by listening to the sound of the music.
  • Musicians perform in festivals of all kinds, both public and private.



  • Dancers started to dance when they were really young, almost a toddler! They were taught to dance at festivals to honor the Pharaoh.
  • Dancers performed to the music played at all of the festivals by the musicians.
  • At private festivals dancers performed in front of wealthy people.


Other performers at festivals

  • Other performers at festivals were acrobats and magicians.
  • They are like the dancers and musicians but they are not always at every festival.
  • Acrobats were similar to dancers. They both did a form of dance. Acrobats did flexible movements in dancing, while dancers danced normally.
  • Magicians also performed alongside the other performers. They sometimes entertained royalty and sometimes entertained wealthy people that hired them.




(Image). http://www.utahloy.com/m6egypttech/muu2.htm.9/16/15.Web

(Image). http://www.ancient-egypt-online.com/egyptian-dance.html.9/16/15.Web


Website:   Dollinger, André.Aspects of life in Ancient Egypt. http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/timelines/topics/index.html.9/15/15.Web


Music Picture Dancing Picture

Music                                                                             Dance