Daily Life-Housing

Daily Life – Housing

Ethan Chou

How were houses made?

  • Mud bricks were made by molding and drying mud.
  • These bricks were stacked on top of each other to build houses.
  • Sometimes a pool would be dug.
  • Most houses had a miniature temple.
  • The front porch usually had a tarp for shade.
  • Poor people’s houses
  • These were usually small with few rooms.
  • They were very undecorated and had little furniture.
  • They were usually squeezed between the houses of rich people.
  • They were usually located in small villages and towns.
  • Rarely were they in the city.
  • Rich people’s houses
  • Very roomy and decorated.
  • Walls would sometimes be painted with colorful designs.
  • Pools were usually in these houses.
  • The houses had bathrooms, which were a luxury back then.
  • There would be lots of rooms, way more than lower-class Egyptians.
  • Furniture
  • Common furniture was pots, stools, tables, beds, chests, and lamps.
  • Upper- class Egyptians had a lot more furniture than poor people.
  • Most pieces were either made from wood or clay.
  • Potters made pots and carpenters made wood furniture.
  • The furniture of rich people was more decorated.

egyptian houses egyptian-hut


Rymer,Eric.Egyptian House Pictures.http://quatr.us/egypt/architecture/houses.htm.9/16/15.Web
