Burial Practices

Burial Practices

Estella Monica


  1. What did the Ancient Egyptians believe about the afterlife?
  • Your KA would go into the afterlife not the entire body
  • You lived your previous life while in the afterlife and once your previous life is over it continues new
  • same social class as in your previous life
  1. What was included in the sacred process of preparing thebody?
  • Removed organs and put them in canopic jars
  • Hooked brain from the nostrils and pulled it out
  • Left the heart in for it was the center of the KA
  • They stitch the body back together once they had filled it with perfumes
  • Prevented the body from decaying by using oils and salts
  1. Where were the bodies buried depending on the social class?
  • Lowest social classes [poor] would be buried in the ground wrapped in old rags and fabric
  • People who could afford a simple ceremony would bury them in plain wood boxes in a cave or desert
  • People of the highest class, other than the King, would be buried in mastaba with a ceremony less grand than the king’s
  • Kings would have an extremely large ceremony and be buried in large mastaba along with most of the constructors of their burial chamber
    • This was so the constructors of the mastaba could not trade their information with grave diggers so they could steal the goods and treasures inside the kings or higher classes tomb

[Image] http://www.akhet.co.uk/cairo.htm 09-16-15 Web.

[Image] http://www.akhet.co.uk/cairo.htm 09-16-15 Web.