Burial Practices


Alex Dietrich

Canopic jar                            Mummy

  1. Why did the Ancient Egyptians prepare they body in a certain way?
        • So their body did not decay
  • Created steps called embalming to stop decay
  • So their ka could enjoy the afterlife
  1. What were the steps the Ancient Egyptians used to preserve a dead body?
  • First organs except heart removed by priest then placed in Canopic jar

-The organs were removed from a cut in the left abdomen

-A Canopic jar is taller than wide, with a carved head as the lid

  • brain removed from nostrils
  • body put in wood box and covered in natron, (salt)
  • dried over 40 days
  • washed in oil
  • wrapped in cloth, sometimes covered in momia a black slimy substance


  1. What items did the Ancient Egyptians bury with the dead?
  • cloth type, poor-old clothes, middle-cloth, wealthy-good cloth
  • buried, poor, in ground,
  • middle, simple funeral in wood box in cave or sand,
  • rich, better celebration, coffin, in tombs,
  • Pharaohs, Grand Ceremony, coffin with sarcophagus around, in Mastabas or a little later pyramids  and much later in time secret places so tomb robbers couldn’t find them, special boats built for journey to burial grounds.

-A sarcophagus is an outer shell for the coffin that is painted with designs

  • Items buried with, food, water, adornment, (jewelry), treasure (pharaohs), clothes, games







Images Sources:

[Image] http://www.globalegyptianmuseum.org/detail.aspx?id=139 . September 16 2015. Web.

[Image] http://www.globalegyptianmuseum.org/detail.aspx?id=3460 . September 16 2015. Web.