Burial Practices

Sebastian Polge

Did Ancient Egyptians believe in the afterlife?

  • Ancient Egyptians believed in the afterlife
  • Believed their soul couldn’t enjoy the afterlife unless the body was prepared right.
  • The body could not decay or
  • The ancient egyptians developed process of embalming

How did you embalm a dead body?

  • Removed organs and placed them in a canopic jar.
  • Removed brain through nostrils
  • They hooked it and pulled the brain through the nose
  • Put body in box and put natron on it
  • After 40 days, washed, oiled and wrapped the body in serval yards of fabric
  • Then they spread momia on the body. momia is a black gooey substance.

How did you bury a dead body?

  • Buried dead with items to use in afterlife. The reason ancient Egyptians buried the body with items is because they believed that the Ka could use these items in the afterlife. A Ka is the spirit of a dead person.
  • They buried the dead with food, drink, gold, jewelry, or everyday items
  • Burial ceremonies differed from rich to poor
  • Poor did not get embalmed
  • Most poor wrapped in discarded clothing and put in ground
  • Some people had a small ceremony if affordable
  • Pharaohs had grandest funerals
  • Priests lay body in a coffin, which was put in a sarcophagus. A sarcophagus is a large stone container.
  • Workers built special boats to pharaoh to secret burial site. The grave site was secret so grave robbers could not rob the pyramid.
  • Some Pharaohs were buried in pyramids in early times. The reason only some pharaohs were buried in pyramids is because too many grave robbers were breaking into them and stealing the gold and jewels.


[Image] http://www.pbs.org/empires/egypt/special/virtual_library/ramesses_mummy.html.9/16/15.web.


[Image] https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M1aa8346db8a0f16a4de512ed06b4f4e1H0&w=65&h=65.9/16/15.web