Daily life in egypt (food and drink)

Nile picpic grain


Daily Life – Food and Drink

Ravi Dev

  1. Nile River
  • The Nile flooded once a year
  • The flooding of the Nile river fertilized the farmers soil for crops
  • The farmers would harvest once a year
  • The Nile River must be flooding in a certain
  • area for the farmer’s soil to be fertilized.
  1. Farming different crops
  • Wheat and barley were high in demand
  • Egyptians hunted birds mainly but some cows
  • To kill four legged animals the Egyptians tied their legs then pushed them down to the ground
  • Egyptians had a special way to start a fire with a bow drill and a piece of wood
  1. Lower class foods vs upper class foods
  • Lower class ate a lot of bread
  • Upper class had a big range of different foods
  • Lower class ate and drank simple foods
  • Both rich and poor ate many dairy products
  1. How farmers work
  • Farmers would harvest crops once a year after the flooding of the Nile
  • They would sow there fields in pairs
  • Farmers used wooden stickles (metal blades with short wooden handles)
  • Donkeys were used to bring wheat to the granary



