Cary Academy: The Year 2215

The chilly breeze blew back my hair as I hopped down from my airplane and entered the modern high tech building that is called Cary Academy. As I breathed in the scent of success, I walked through the metal detectors and pressed my hand up on the hand print sensor. The blue arrows on the sensor detected a yes and opened up the electronic gate that let me go through.

My fuchsia 10 inch knee high boots clicked against the crystal floor as it became certain to me that the 2205 style was making a comeback. I floated through the halls on my air glider and observed all the tall people that used to be 8th grade classes. I chuckled at the 219 pictures that filled up the halls and thought about how much the building has changed through time.

To think that Cary Academy used to be made of bricks and columns really still surprises me until this day. As I entered my first period classrooms I could see everyone typing away on their invisible keyboards that led to no laptop or computer, but simply just a brain. We all have microchips that were planted straight into our heads since we were a child. That is where we store all of our information from school. I observed how a single silver wire that connected from the teachers head to a huge speaker as small as a nail could load an entire train of thoughts. The robo-speaker spoke every word that the teacher was thinking and taught the class for us.

The alarm went off in our microchips and the entire class glided off into the next classrooms on our air glider and I thought to myself quietly. “How could people have survived by using their feet to walk everywhere?”