My Future World

The computer hovers silently over the desk. There is no sound in the house. The computer is not like the ones we see today. This computer is a holograph and it floats just above the table. The person is sitting at the computer but he is not using a mouse or a keyboard. He can just imagine what he wants to click and type, and the computer will do it for him. Right now, he is on eBay buying a toy dinosaur. Without the click of a button, he purchases the T-Rex and then turns around to face the other side of the room.

On this side, there is a medium-sized metal door. It looks like a doggie door on steroids. Just minutes after the order is confirmed, the silence of the house is broken. It starts with a small buzzing sound as if a bug was flying by your ear. Then the sound grows. Now it sounds like a mix between glass breaking and a sword fight. Then the room begins to smell. It smells like freshly cut grass. A green light slowly grows from the door. Suddenly, with a flash and a bang, the room goes dark and silent again. It’s like an explosion without the danger. The only light is from the computer across the room.

The door then makes a distinctive ‘click’ sound. A soft humming sound starts. It is the sound you would hear on an escalator. It suddenly goes silent again. A few moments later, a small T-Rex pops out from the door. The delivery of his toy only took five minutes. The man bends down and picks it up. He is ecstatic. He walks away and begins to happily play with his new toy.