Diction writing

The many sounds of yelling and sirens woke me from my deep, deep sleep. What time is it? What is happening? Is this a dream? Dozens of questions flew into my head which left my half-awake self extremely puzzled. Its 6:14 am, one minute before my alarm was set to go off, I prepared myself to swiftly turn it off to avoid that loud obnoxious buzzing noise. I was still confused as to why all of the chaotic noises were around me, but then I peered out my window to see a heavy stream of water rushing down through the largest street in town. Mobs of fearful people were pulling their children and loved ones to safer areas on the streets and calling for help, but it was right then that I realized that I was one of the people they were crying for. As a police officer it is to help keep everyone safe, and it was my time to help people in the way I had been training to do for years. Once I had finally gotten dressed and out the door, I had to use my inner leader and direct everyone to the safest possible place. I stood where I always stand every day of the year, on the corner of the street. Familiar faces flashed past me. The happiest environment turned into nothing but an environment resembling a nightmare. Hours passed, and the scattered people gathered into one large crowd, except for me, I stood as still as a statue risking my life in what had seemed a bottomless pit water. The rain continued and by the time it was 6:00 pm, it was hardly sprinkling. An empty stomach. Drenched from head to toe in water. Sanding on the corner of the street, all alone.

The sun arrived. The rain disappeared. The people appeared. The mess was created all from water. Slowly but surely- surely, the city came back to life. Fixing one thing at a time. The buildings were refurbished and lives were put back together. I was able to see everything get put back together. I saw new lives being assembled. I saw old lives being completed. Standing from that one corner.