
It was October the 2nd 2013, and the city of Westville was busy working on constructing their city. They were working on millions of buildings every day. Their moto was that the world needed more cities and less oceans. They would constantly throw their waste into the oceans causing pollutions. This did not bother the citizens at all, all they wanted was their city to be the best it could be. They were greedy and selfish and only cared about money.


Every year many flocks of geese would migrate westwards to Westville for the winter. Every year that they came to Westville they would swim in the oceans and they always enjoyed it. This was a tradition they always maintained. Many generations had been coming to these oceans for years and years. The descendants of many mothers and fathers kept coming back and enjoying the nice weather. But one day when the geese were flourishing in perfect formation westward they came to the oceans and discovered the murky brown, waste cluttered oceans they had loved. The geese were stunned, who could do this to our oceans they thought.


Later that day they geese decided that they needed to do something about this. Animals were looked at as unequal and they believed that that was not okay. This was the most important thing they had ever done as it determined their future and the future of their children.


The very next day, the geese of eastside came together to formulate a plan. They knew they had to make this protest powerful. They didn’t feel very powerful though because they were only animals. The meeting then ended and each member was told to think about what they could do and to discuss it at the next meeting.


The geese thought for many nights and days and then 5 days later they collected themselves and met to discuss their plans. Many members said that they thought they should leave it alone, but the chief was sure that they needed to do something. After all of the geese told their peers their thoughts, the chief told the geese they were hopeless. Many of the geese cried because they felt defeated but one morning the chief geese had an idea. He told the geese they should all fly down to the town and wait there on the ground until the people of the town would see what they wanted. They geese all agreed that they would give it a try.


So the next day they all flew down to the city and gathered around the ocean spreading out almost a mile. The geese stood their but their efforts were worthless so they decided to give up and headed back home.