

I would like to go to Candyland because it would be great to take pictures, meet and talk to real gingerbread people- maybe some important figures in the modern candy world, and experience traveling in a society that is unlike ours in both landscape and the state of evolving in technology, government and economics. It would be great if we help the world advance technologically- introducing them to cars, cellphones etc., it would be a great way to help our and their economy, as we are introducing new branches of jobs- like car companies or cellphone companies! People could get jobs as Candyland travel agents or tour guides, make candy, help the citizens get more technologically advanced and caught up to us, being Candyland ambassadors from technology companies or working at branches of businesses in Candyland. Everyone, including Candyland citizens would get more money, causing our society to evolve more. We would be helping Candyland, and they would be helping us.