Things I Learned from Being PTAA President

  1. The handshake ceremony actually involves a lot of hugs.
  2. Once we cleared out all the unneeded boxes, filing cabinets and massive amounts of envelopes, we discovered that the PTAA has an actual office. It’s a really nice office, in fact. Come visit!
  3. Food trucks are the answer to everything.
  4. How mind-blowingly invigorating and exhausting CA board strategic planning retreats could be. Being present at the birth of new ideas for CA’s future and working with such an outstanding group of people was a tremendous honor.
  5. The best thing about the PTAA general meetings is watching our students showcase their talents. Mark your calendars for next September!
  6. Getting to know so many wonderful PTAA volunteers was the best part of the job. If TISAC had a conference title for Best Parents, we would be the clear winners.
  7. Learning to drive a CA bus was a lot more fun than I thought it would be.
  8. Working with the Leadership Team gave me new insight, respect and admiration for the individuals who make decisions and lead our school. It was a real treat to watch and be a part of the inner workings of CA. I’m so impressed with their ability to actively listen, creatively problem solve and boldly move our school into the future. We are indeed in good hands.
  9. Bring more tissues than you think to graduation. You will need to share.
  10. The CA faculty and staff are the absolute greatest!

Lisa Mathis
PTAA President 2014-15