Day 18 – Beijing, Great Wall, Peking duck

written by Aryan Ansari.

What’s good FAM?

Today we woke up around 7:30 then went down to breakfast. We then went to the lobby to go meetup with Katherine. After the group was downstairs, we sat in the bus and drove over to the great wall.

On the bus ride Kim, Andrew, Tyler, and Rosie went up to the front of the bus and talked about China in Chinese.

When we arrived at the Great Wall, we had to take a separate bus to the cable car. Spencer, Tyler and I took one cable car to the Great Wall. At the top it was raining, and the bricks were very slippery. When Mr. Manakhov met us at the Great Wall he and a lot of the other kids raced to some spot on the great wall.

I explored with JJ, Emma, Caroline (, and this random girl named Dora who had a monkey named Boots or something. Idk. She was weird.) and we walked at a slower pace than others. There was this one steep part of the Great Wall which took the most work for the people I was walking with. We walked back down from the high part and met up with others.

On the way back to the cable cars, Charlotte helped out an Italian family talk to a Chinese man (she thought it was pretty cool). After coming back down from the Great Wall, many people bought souvenirs from shops around the entrance.

Spencer and I bought fries from Burger King which was the smartest thing we bought. We then went to lunch it wasn’t the best. After lunch we drove to the Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube. We didn’t have enough time, so we just drove around the two building (sorry for the bad pictures we were in the car).

From the Olympic Stadiums we drove to the acrobatic show. We had to wait outside for a good 15 minutes before we were allowed to go inside and sit down. The show consisted of, dancing, jumping through hoops, women spinning umbrellas on feet, guys juggling hats, flexible female acrobats, spinning rings, bicycle tricks, and motorcycle riding in a metal sphere. The motorcycles were the highlight because 9 people on motorcycles spun in a metal sphere. Everyone had mini heart attacks.

After this we ate dinner at the Pecking duck restaurant. Many people liked the restaurant because it was something new. It’s been real in China, and I have mixed emotions about going back.