PTAA Letter: Granting Wishes

The PTAA gives back to the Cary Academy community on many levels, but one of the most exciting ways that we directly impact students and faculty is through our PTAA Grants Program. We try to make sure that grant money reaches across a broad spectrum of activities and touches as many students as possible.

The PTAA offers two types of grants: the Student Activity Enhancement Grant and the Community Grant. Every grant must have a Faculty sponsor and be approved by either the Head of US or Head of MS. The application is then passed onto the Grants Review Committee for consideration.

The Student Activity Enhancement Grant supports activities that enrich and enhance the diverse areas of student interest within and beyond current academic curriculum. This type of grant is open to any MS or US club, educational activity or special project for the direct enhancement of the student learning experience. This may include, but is not limited to, areas such as fine and performing arts, athletics and community service. The maximum award for 2014-15 is $1,500.

Recent Student Activity Enhancement Grants awarded include:

  • Funding to help support S.T.E.P. – Closing the Gap That Matters Education Conference. This student-generated and enormously successful educational conference was open to the entire CA community and leaders of independent and public schools in our area.
  • Charter Bus transportation for US and MS German students and teachers to attend the NC German Day Competition in Greensboro.
  • Microphone headsets and HoverCam Document Cameras and Wireless Air Station Document Bases for use in various MS disciplines, Charger Trails and Clubs.
  • An aeroponic/hydroponic urban tower garden system that combines education, agriculture, and sustainability for use in the US Environmental science classroom as well as in the Dining Hall.

The Community Grant supports events and projects that bring the CA community together to enrich the CA student, faculty, parent, and administration experience. The application is open to any special project, MS or US club, or any educational, performing arts or athletic activity that will benefit the entire CA community. The maximum award for 2014-15 is $5,000.

Our first Community Grant awarded this year was a project called the Remote Learning Initiative, Keeping Cary Academy Connected. This grant will fund 10 portable wifi devices to be used on the CA buses during activities (athletic, artistic or academic) that would require their use. This enables students on long bus rides to access the cloud where much of their data is stored and effectively utilize study time.

As grant requests continue to roll into our office, we are reminded how lucky we are to be involved in a school and a PTAA that supports fresh and innovative ideas. All of these grants exemplify PTAA’s continuing role in Enhancing the CA Experience through initiatives that reflect the evolving needs of the Cary Academy community.

If you have any questions or would like further information regarding the PTAA Grants Program, please feel free to contact us.

Wishing everyone a happy holiday season,

Lisa Mathis
CA PTAA President 2014-15