PTAA Letter: Sweater Weather

There is a slight chill in the air today, so that can only mean one thing:  time to break out the sweaters…and Charger sweatshirts!

We have had such a busy fall trimester so far that it seems like a perfect time to recognize several PTAA committees who are hard at work this time of year:

AUCTION Committee:  Mark you calendars for Saturday, February 21, 2015 when we blast off to the “Galactic Gala” at Prestonwood Country Club.  The PTAA Auction is both a spectacular social event and the only funding source for more than 150 projects that benefit our students each year.  If you’d like to get involved with this committee, donate an auction item, or become a sponsor, please contact auction co-chairs Jill Wilson or Julie Morris at:

EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION Committee: These folks have been busy preparing frozen treats, trail mix and other goodies for our wonderful CA employees.  They will also help faculty/staff through a long conference day by bringing them dinner from La Farm in early October.

NEW PARENT PROGRAMS Committee: This committee has been hard at work training parent ambassadors to work alongside our Admissions Staff to provide hospitality to families just learning about CA as we head into our Tour and Information Sessions.

MS/US REPS & GRADE LEVEL COORDINATORS: This group is continually working to plan numerous activities for both parents and students!

We have more exciting events coming up in October including:

  • Trimester Parent Coffees: Mike Ehrhardt will be our guest speaker at all the grade level parent coffees during the first trimester to discuss the results of the Community Survey from May.  October coffees are as follows:
    • 10th Grade: Thursday, October 2
    • 8th Grade: Thursday, October 15
    • 11th Grade: Thursday, October 16
  • Food Truck Tuesday: October 7 (3:30-7:30pm) Come grab a snack or dinner while enjoying some great games. This new tradition is becoming a great place for the CA community to gather as we support our athletes and our school. Proceeds go to the PTAA Charger Club.
  • MS Dance and Parent Social: Friday, October 10 (7-9:30pm) Come join fellow parents and faculty at Dean’s Seafood Grill and Bar (1080 Darrington Drive, Cary) while your student is at the MS Dance (Dining Hall)
  • US Movie Night on the Quad: Friday, October 10 (7-9:30pm) sponsored by US Student Council
  • Senior Breakfast: Wednesday, October 15 (7-9:30pm) sponsored by the PTAA

I look forward to see you at these events and around campus. We are always looking for volunteers to help staff the PTAA events and serve on committees. If you are interested in how you can help, or if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Best Regards,

Lisa Mathis
CA PTAA President 2014-15