Dinner & Documentary, March 27

The Women Employees of Cary Academy Network (WECAN) and CA Green invite the Cary Academy community to attend

Dinner and a Documentary

We will be showing

Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring

Thursday, March 27th, 2014
at Berger Hall Lecture Hall (lower level)
6:00 to 8:30 pm

To attend this event RSVP here!
RSVP by Monday, March 24, 2014

Rachel Carson’s 1963 warnings about the effects of pesticides and herbicides – especially DDT – sparked a revolution in environmental policy and created a new ecological consciousness.

A panel discussion will follow the film. Panelists will include CA’s own Heidi Maloy, US Environmental Science teacher and CA Alum Rachel Gonsalves, a recent graduate of NC State who earned a Bachelor of Environmental Design in Architecture.

Seating is available for 100. Reservations will be accepted on a “first-come, first-served” basis.

For more information contact Kris Wetterling at 919-228-4664 / kris_wetterling@caryacademy.org or Susan Ferraro at 919-228-4692 / susan_ferraro@caryacademy.org