Natalie’s Tiny House

Link to my House


                                                                                                                   1st floor aerial view upstairs aerial view first floor view view of bedroom view of desk area view of laundry room



My tiny house is one that does not have much free space, but I tried to keep as much of it open as possible. I put a lot of windows in, and chose the door option that has windows in it to allow more natural light into my house. In terms of being outdoors, I made sure to have a lot of porch space because I enjoy sitting outside, and the cabana  chair will provide shade while enjoying the environment surrounding my house. On my first floor, I decided to keep my living room and kitchen open so it feels welcoming when people walk into my home. In terms of paint, I put an accent wall in my living room which was based off of the accent wall that looks spectacular in my house today. I made sure to keep things personal in my living room as well by adding some picture frames on the wall to give it a sense of comfort. Instead of creating a separate room for guests, I decided that I would put my guests on the couch, because I didn’t know how often I would have them, so I wanted to use my space wisely. In my kitchen, I have all the appliances I need to cook, and I did not put a dishwasher in, but decided that I would use the sink to wash dishes. Then, the cool thing that I did with my staircase is I built a wall underneath it so I could hang my TV there, and put my fireplace for warmth underneath, then use the other side of the wall to install a laundry room. I got the idea of building this wall from the house I live in as well, because my pantry is built into the back of the wall under the stairs as you walk through the front door. So, right next to the kitchen, I built a small pantry to store food. Moving on to the upstairs, I have a little platform in order for people to come off the staircase, and I decided to put a small desk up there in order to have a place to work without taking up too much space. My upstairs is not as open as my downstairs, because I wanted to allow some privacy  when I am in my bedroom, or using the bathroom. This balances out the open feel downstairs. I have the same paint on all of my walls upstairs in order to give it a sense of familiarity, and I made sure to put some picture frames above my bed in order to make my room personal. Not only that, but I included forms of lighting in my bathroom, and bedroom just in case the natural light isn’t enough. I also put some curtains on all my windows for privacy if I need it as well. Then, my entire house is made up of hard wood floors and there is no carpet because it is easier to clean, and creates a more urban feel.





  • Refrigerator
  • Toilet
  • Shower
  • Roof
  • Sink
  • Washer/dryer
  • stairs



  • Bed
  • Couch
  • TV
  • Both a microwave and oven
  • Artificial lighting
  • A desk and computer
  • Dining room table
  • Countertop
  • Porch
  • fireplace

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