Spring Sports by Anika Kadumpalli

This year was yet another thrilling season of spring sports, and now it is time to take a moment to reflect on the memories made, the challenges faced, and the triumphs celebrated. Throughout this season, Cary Academy’s athletes gave everything they got to their respective sports, leaving it all on the field.

The varsity softball and baseball teams has showcased stellar performance this year once again. The season has been such a thrill this year for both teams, with various competitive and fast-paced games. Although their seasons have come to an end after the playoff games in Charlotte, the players put up a fight to the very last inning, displaying remarkable teamwork and determination.

The varsity boy’s tennis team is ranked highly at 3rd seed this year! The team has played hard the whole season, with a 16-1 record. Their dedication and perseverance are evident in every match played, and it has paid off, earning them a bye to the quarterfinals.

On the track, our athletes sprinted, jumped, and threw their way to personal bests and team victories. Their achievements on the field are a reflection of the countless hours of training and dedication they put into the sport. Coach Hall, the head coach of the team, tells his runners that “track is 90% mental”, and always encourages the team to put in their best efforts, and the athletes show just that. The team has their NCISSA State Meet on May 17th and May 18th!

The girls’ soccer team embodies teamwork and friendship. Along with their perseverance and communication during practices and games, the team’s camaraderie also shines off the field. Whether it is dressing up for spirit days or organizing team lunches, the girls forge friendships that extend far beyond the soccer field.

The boys and girls’ lacrosse teams are shining examples of collaboration and community. Both teams’ commitment to improvement is shown in each game they play. Maeve Jaeger-Sandruck (’25) shares how “being on this lacrosse team with an amazing group of girls motivates me to be the best version of myself on the field”. Whether it’s a hard-fought victory or a narrow defeat, the players approach every game with grit and resilience.

Although the season has come to an end for a few teams, the competitive energy and team spirit lingers in the memories made. And finally, congratulations to all of the seniors across these teams, and good luck to their future endeavors!

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