Why you should play a sport

By Ella Gupta ’23 & Bela Chandler ’23

The scent of freshly cut grass. Dewy air. Cheers from the bleachers…well, maybe not cheers because we are in the era of COVID-19. Nevertheless, playing a spring sport is rewarding in many ways – mentally, physically, and socially. With a wide variety of options, everyone is sure to be able to find a spring sport that they enjoy, whether it be track, softball, baseball, men’s tennis, or women’s soccer.

Playing a sport can increase your productivity in a few ways. First, since you have a daily after school commitment, you must be productive in a shorter amount of time and use your spare moments judiciously. Additionally, the surge of endorphins that comes with a good workout (or sweaty practice, in this case) increases your productivity and makes you feel good. Overall, exercise reduces stress and improves mental health, which has never been of greater importance than in the middle of a pandemic.

The winter sports season seems to have gone well despite Covid-19 induced changes. Jenna Pullen ‘23 comments on her experience with swimming during the 2020-21 season: “The coronavirus has definitely had an effect on the swim team. Our practices have fewer people, and our meets are separated by gender which means a quick turnaround time for events. However, our coaches have somehow found a way to still allow the practices to be super fun and safe. Our captains are amazing at rallying everyone to cheer on our teammates who are swimming in the meets even with the limited number of people.” Despite a strange year, forming strong relationships and bonding with teammates and coaches hasn’t changed!

Leah Wiebe ’23 reflects on a similar experience with basketball: “Doing basketball ‘Covid-style’ was certainly a very different experience, but that didn’t make it any less fun! A lot of the logistical stuff was different – things like only 7 people to a bus, wearing our masks during practices and games, and even hand sanitizing really often. Despite that, we were still able to have a ton of fun this season and get to know our teammates really well from 6 feet away!”

Regardless of what grade you’re in, it’s never too late to try a new sport to exercise or meet someone new. If you don’t have another activity outside of school, there’s almost always a way to fit in something that you really enjoy! Speaking from personal experience, I can say that diving into something new can lead you to find something that you absolutely love. Trying a new sport in 9th grade was the highlight of my freshman year. I met so many great people, had an amazing coach, learned what hard work felt like and had a blast. And you don’t have to run miles to get there either. Track allows you to pick which event you would like to participate in based on personal preference. Aside from my plug for track, though, all of the other spring sports are wonderful as well. Taking chances can change your life –  all starting with a spring sport!

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