Band Room Replica by Lester Turner

I decided to do a simple little fun project for the end of the school year and asked the kids to create a replica of the Band Room at CA to see how many details they could remember.  They were allowed to work in pairs and use any platform to share that they wanted to...

Augmented Reality in Math by Leslie Williams

Today students reviewed the concept of volume using Merge Cubes, an interactive Augmented Reality hands on activity. Here you will see an introduction to Merge Cubes by the company that makes them. Below that, are examples from math class. Enjoy! Examples by the...

Pig Heart Dissection Reflection by Cassidy (class of 2022)

My overall impression from the dissection was that it was an enriching educational experience. I was surprised by how different each heart was. I know that we were told each would be unique in some way, but I feel that this was more so than expected. My favorite part...
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