Students Together Assisting Refugees

Category: Questions

Definitions and Statistics

In order to understand STAR (Students Together Assisting Refugees), it is important to understand certain key terms. The term “forcibly displaced people” correlates to more than just refugees.

Therefore, what is the difference between refugees, asylum-seekers, and IDPs? 

  1. Internal Displaced People (IDP): Someone who is still within their own country and has not crossed the international border. Someone who is seeking refuge in another place in their own country. They often have hope to return home.
  2. Refugees: Someone who is forced to flee their country of origin due to conflict, violence, and/or persecution. They often are unable to return home.
  3. Asylum-Seekers: Someone who is seeking refuge in another country. The refugee status claim has not been decided yet.

Note: All refugees begin as asylum-seekers, but not every asylum-seeker will be granted refugee status.

Learn more: Concern USA or UNHCR Refugees

Why Monthly Newsletters?

STAR’s goal to help raise awareness about refugees is a paramount reason for creating the monthly newsletter. Every month, starting 2022, STAR hopes to share a monthly recap about the current refugee crisis, highlight local refugee stories, and discuss upcoming events. The monthly newsletters are a quick read and can be used to educate about refugees and the challenges they face.

Each newsletter is carefully written by Cary Academy students who are members of the STAR Club. Through interviewing local refugees, visiting local organizations, and research, STAR members hope to provide thorough information with the newsletters.

Thank you to all who are interested in learning about the refugee crisis and helping refugees in our local community. If you would like to access these newsletters, click on the “Newsletters” tab in the Main Menu.

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