Day 2 – Touring Buenos Aires – Pranav and Carson

Day 2 Highlights:

From Pranav:

Under the threat of a very early tour as soon as we landed, we all hurried through immigration and customs in an attempt to not get yelled at by Ms. Toreson. Soon after, we evacuated the airport, followed by a little walk back to the hotel. The first thing to catch my eye, Buenos Aires was distinctly European: wide, tiled streets, churches, and French styled buildings. The beef on the other hand, was what caught my attention. Cheap, red, juicy, slightly under salted, all I could ever ask for… Sorry, got caught up in my thoughts about meat. After a bit of walking through the tour, we saw many important locations: Avenida 9 de Julio, La Casa Rosada, and most importantly, a Boca Juniors merchandise shop. After a long, tiring, but rewarding day, I was treated to round two, this time funded by CA. A perfect medium rare ribeye arrived right in front of me, calling my name. The first bite was so good that I offered a piece to my table mate Ben Holton. Following long philosophical discussions and quizzes, we all made our ways back to the room, where Hugh, Riley, and I got to watch Independence Day celebrations in the middle of the night through our lucky window. A tiring one sure, but a day I will never forget.


From Carson:

Today was a bit of a rollercoaster, but it was tons of fun! The day started with the later end of our 11 hour flight into Buenos Aires, starting the day at 12:03 with dinner on the airplane! We could choose between risotto and chicken, both of which were delicious, though the chicken was my favorite. After dinner the rest of the flight was mostly dedicated to sleeping, with some of us getting more of it than others. We finally coasted to stop in Buenos Aires around 9am, all of us thankful to be on solid ground once again! After a quick ride to the hotel,  we got to freshen up and enjoy a light (but delicious!) lunch before heading off on our tour of the city. We went all around the different neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, seeing the plaza, tango dancers, church’s, and tons of history! One of my favorite parts was getting to see la Casa Rosa (Pink house) in which the president “works” when he is in Buenos Aires. When he is staying in la Casa Rosa, a small flag is raised near the main plaza to indicate he is in house! Another highlight of the tour for me was getting to wander the streets of La Boca, where Tango was said to be born. We got to pose with Tango dancers and watch as others danced around the streets enjoying themselves. Finally after getting back to the hotel after a busy yet entertaining tour, we got to enjoy a lovely dinner (including lava cakes!) and finally head off to bed, which for me was my first time sleeping in 38 hours! In total our first day was tons of fun, and served as a great introduction to the city we would be staying in for the next two days!


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