Difficult history is often hidden from view. Join us as we explore how the battle for voting rights has been presented. We will be looking to celebrate those promoting greater democracy–opening the vote to women, African Americans, and 18-year-olds. We will also be looking into the darker, often hidden elements of the struggle. The CA history sleuths will travel to historical sites and archives to experience the places where real change happened and uncover the truth.


Image credits: Mrs. Rosanell Eaton, a voting rights pioneer and activist in NC (https://abcnews.go.com/US/rosanell-eaton-civil-rights-activist-celebrated-barack-obama/story?id=59720495), and a 2015 demonstrating for voting rights in Winston-Salem (https://www.americanprogress.org/article/north-carolina-supreme-court-disregards-u-s-supreme-court-in-redistricting-case/).