Day 6

Alright so today I finally finished creating 3 versions of the dragon boat tshirt. I only like 2 of them, but I was experimenting with a third option. They are all pretty similar:

The third one is cool because the graphic would wrap around the tshirt. The second one is my least fav. though because it’s just really lame. I tried formatting the graphic sideways and it just didn’t work out. So yeah that’s all I really did yesterday except eat lunch, but I didn’t take a picture of that.

Day 5

Today I spent the first hour at Alpha trying to find the server all of my work was stored in. The computer had forgotten the server so I had to get help to open it again. It was fairly frustrating, but luckily it was figured out it before lunch. After lunch I was able to start working on the Dragon Boat Festival Tshirt again. On Friday I finished the trace of my sketch, so today I worked on the more artistic side of the sketch:

The first picture is my sketch compared to what I was able to create using graphics. I think it turned out really well! I also tried to compare the graphic in blue and the graphic in red, but I’m not sure which one I like better. So anyway, that’s the boat part, and tomorrow I’ll create a few more simple graphics to go with it on the tshirt.

Day 4

Today I finished digitally tracing my design for the dragon boat festival and also played around with brush strokes to make it look cooler. I was going to take a picture to post, but unfortunately  the program crashed as I was finishing up and I couldn’t get it to render the art again. Hopefully on Monday it will load, if it doesn’t then my project would be gone….

That’s all I did today because they let me leave at noon, so here are some pictures of the office I took: 

Continue reading Day 4

Day 3

Alright so today I finally finished up the first banner project. Overall I made 18 banners! The next project I have is similar, but they’re actually going to be printed. Anyway today I also worked more on the dragon boat festival tshirt. I was able to successfully scan my drawing to the mac and then work on it in the program: Illustrator. Here is what I have so far:

The black is the scanned drawing, and the red lines are the online tool I’m using to trace it digitally. It’s not done being traced digitally yet because the process is very long and hard. There’s no stylus, and in order to perfectly use the pen tool to cover the drawing, I have to zoom in very close. Each piece takes a lot of work and matching lines naturally is also difficult. I’m still excited though because once the trace is complete I can change the brush stroke to look more artistic instead of solid and boring.

Moving on, after eating lunch, two girls who work at Alpha took me on a field trip to see some of their work up close. At Best Buy I saw their graphics as part of a display for Lenovo:

And also at Costco:

All of the designs on the tables, cardboard, that glowing sign in Best Buy, literally anything with design on it is the work of the two girls who work at Alpha. It was really cool to see because I had never really thought of where it came from or how it was made.


Day 2

Okay so yesterday I said I was getting tired of doing banners, and today I did so many more. I didn’t even take pictures of them this time. It’s really fun doing them for an hour or so because it makes me feel artsy, but there are so many restrictions and the banners themselves are extemely repetitive.  Luckily after lunch the person I’m working with gave me an actual project she’s having trouble with to work on. The job was a tshirt design for the dragon boat festival. I’ve never been much of a tshirt designer, but it was cool getting to try something new with graphics. There are some restrictions about logo placement and wording, and the tshirt isn’t put together yet, but here’s a boat I drew:

It’s not good right now but I’m hoping to scan it onto the computer and then add more detail, coloring, and overall make it a quality graphic I can put on a tshirt. Again this project isn’t really my thing, but I’m learning a lot so it’s great!


Day 1

Technically this is day two, but I forgot to post yesterday because I was to excited about my day. Anyway, yesterday I found out that the company I’m interning at has only 4 employees. 4. And that’s awesome! Their office space is on the third floor of a building in the corner, so there are lots of windows and light. There are 10 desks in the main area but only two workers to fill them (the other two work in private spaces). Because of that I got a very nice desk right next to a window :

Everything was all set up for me! After getting organized in my new space I learned a bit about what they do at the company, specifically in terms of graphic design. I learned they do a lot for Lenovo so they gave me a project based on the types of jobs Lenovo gives them. The first project I’ll be working on is creating digital banners that act as advertisements for Lenovo products. Based on certain restrictions and guidelines I made the following:

I did a lot more than that, and I have a ton more I’m supposed to do (says the project) It was fun doing them yesterday but I’m going to ask to try another aspect of graphic design to see if I find something else more in my field of interest.

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