Was that a question-mark clad bus rolling down I-40 this morning?  Indeed it was!  In fact, we have two! 

Has anyone else noticed the traffic getting heavier, and earlier, here in the Triangle?  Yesterday, the Wake County government site published its Wake County by the Numbers report.   

When Cary Academy was founded in 1997, the Wake County population was 570,540 – that has almost doubled to 1,072,203 today!  And with the average commute at over 25 minutes, 11.4 billion miles were traveled in Wake County during 2017.  In short, commuting around the triangle is getting more time consuming, so we called in the cavalry (or the Wonder Buses, to be exact).   

With 18-19 as our beta year, CA’s new transportation program has two goals: to respond to the needs of our current families and to make a Cary Academy education available to more families around the Triangle.  We want to help those who are part of our learning community and seek out even more diverse voices and bring them to 1500 N. Harrison Ave.  

This year’s pilot program has two routes – one serving North Raleigh (6 Forks and Falls Pointe), and the other serving south Durham.  Given the success we’ve seen this first trimester, we’re looking to expand in the 19-20 year.  In the coming enrollment process scheduled for early 2019, all families will be able to indicate interest in transportation. We’ll use that interest data to build routes for the next school year.  

Want to get on board this year?  We still have room available in both the morning and afternoon routes! Please contact the Admissions office if you’re interested in joining the wheels on the bus.